About Us

This page is aimed to share our institution’s vision and mission in order to inspire everyone to make a difference.

Founding Date



Santa Isabel International School, Inc. is committed to equip graduates with creative intelligence to be globally productive-competitive individuals, imbued with leadership and competence, valuing individual differences for quality service in the community for nation building.


Santa Isabel International School, Inc. is a learning institution dedicated to the holistic development of students for academic excellence, Christian values, co-curricular formation, and functional skills for all children. (HACOS)


1. To employ qualified, well-rounded and updated faculty to ensure quality education;
2. To enhance learning capabilities of students through the Montessori Methods of Education by providing updated instructional materials and state of the art technological facilities;
3. To develop skills, self-confidence, self esteem, and responsible personality based upon the Christian values of formation anchored upon the values of Santa Isabel of Hungary;
4. To promote deep appreciation of Filipino arts and culture for national patriotism and love of country;
5. To imbibe community awareness in current social issues to become socially proactive member of the community; and
6. To develop functional skills to be able to survive and live a normal life with respect, acceptability and dignity.


  • Child-centered Instruction
  • God-fearing Individuals
  • Progressive Excellence
  • Competent and Committed Faculty and Staff
  • Effective and Efficient Services


1. Pre-School
2. Grade School
3. High School
4. Assessment and Special Education Department (ASSPED)
5. College
B.S. in Real Estate Management
B.S. In Entrepreneurship
B.S. in Tourism Management
B.S. Information System